Holidays - The beginnings of University

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Mid-January I got my first round University Offer - It was exactly what I wanted. I was so happy with the outcome because throughout Year 12 I didn't believe I was doing well enough to into the course. My scores weren't as good as I wanted to be so I tried super hard getting help from my friends, teachers and tutors. I guess I can stay that if I work hard enough I can reach my goal! Well provided it's within my ability...

A week after I received my offer I had to go into Uni to get more information and find out how I can accept my offer. It felt surreal because I had never thought that I would be there. Maybe it's the fact that University has been something on the back of my mind - something you hear about but it feels like you won't reach it until a few years. That was how I felt about VCE; it's something in the distant future. Upon walking to the first lecture I saw a friend from my Year 12 Vietnamese School Class. It was nice seeing her again and quickly catching up. It's definitely comforting knowing people who are going to the same University as you. In some ways I'm like 'YAY I'm not alone in this'.

Throughout the day I went to lectures that related to my course or my breaths (also known as electives). One of the more interesting ones were related to Drugs and Society. Throughout the whole time I was thinking 'I'm definitely choosing it'. Unfortunately it was offered second year not first year. I'll just have to remember to choose it next year! 

I also happen to make some friends on the day. The first person was in my course lecture. He was sitting next to a friend from high school. It turns out that he flew down from Queensland to attend the Academic Advice Day. The second person I properly talked to was from Tasmania. Two interstate people in one day. It's funny how you start conversations with other people; a quick simple question can lead you to a conversation. Hopefully I'll see both of them around campus again sometime. One of my aims for University is to make friends with as many people as I can - expand my circle of friends. 

All in all I am SUPER excited for University. I recently registered for my classes which allowed me to choose my timetable. I'm happy that I get to have a four day weekend! Now I just have to play the waiting game, waiting for orientation week to come around so I can join clubs and societies. Maybe this time I'll have more luck making friends. 


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