Holidays - Grampians

Saturday, February 01, 2014

It's been a while since I've posted here! I would make a list of reasons but the only reason why I haven't been posting is because I either forget or can't be bother. Going through my blog feed I'd thought it would be nice to write about my holidays so far. I will probably do it over a few posts and write about an event each time.

Just before my birthday I went to a place called the Grampians. Every year my brother goes down there but I never understood I do! We arrived there Friday night and basically just settled in - this meant labelling our food so that it wouldn't be thrown out in the youth hostel. It was a nice place - it had everything you need: room made for four people, public toilets, public dining area and public lounge area. It's not as polish as a hotel but you don't really need all of that special stuff. After all you just need a place to sleep right? 

The following day we started our activities! In the morning, we headed into town and check in at an outdoor activity specialist place (don't know the special name for it). While we were signing forms, a girl named Nina entered wanting to do canoeing and more. It turned out the place needed a minimum of two people to do an activity. She was about to give up but the instructor said that she could join our group if we allowed it. We were more than happy have her a long. So she canoed with us! It was amazing canoeing down the river. No matter what direction you look there is something to see: trees, mountains and wildlife.


Originally we were going to do rock climbing in the afternoon but there was a clash in times so we decided to book it for the next day. Instead we decided to eat lunch back at the hostel and then go hiking. Nina also joined us as well. She was travelling by herself around Australia so it was nice for her to have some company. Our first hike was a bit of a fail...the walk wasn't very long and everyone else had been there before so we drove a little longer to find another trail. This time the hike was good! Tiring on the way up since it was basically a steep hill with some flat ground every now and then. It was nice being in touch with nature again. I also managed to create some conversation with Nina and I found out that she's from Germany and is the same age as me. She's doing an equivalent to a gap year around Australia...all by herself!? 

The place we reached at the end of the hike was beautiful! It's called Fish Falls (and no there were no fish). We were at the very bottom of the waterfall then we decided to climb up some rocks to get closer to the falls itself. After admiring the view and taking photos we climbed a number of steps which took us to the top of the falls. We were basically the only people there so we took the time to enjoy the view and just relax. The hike back was much easier we were going down hill. Towards the end of the track we bumped into a few kangaroos which was nice. That night we had tacos and I tasted amazing. I don't know if it was because I was tried or the fact that hadn't had it in a while.

Fish Falls

Our last day there we went rock climbing in the morning. Again we had to hike to the top where the rocks were. Let's just say it was really steep! We got to our first stop and we had to self belay down the rocks. I don't remember the exact term but we basically had to ascend down.  At our first stop we abseiling down the wall! To be honest it was very scary at the start. We had control of the ropes which meant that we could control how fast or slow we go down. This scared me at the start because I had to lean back to get some momentum. When you're looking down 20m or so it can be scary but once you get going it's not as bad. It became quiet enjoyable.
The view from where we were abseiling down

Rock Climbing! (that's me!)

Afterwards we went to another station for some proper rock climbing. There were two walls: one easy, one hard. We took turns belaying and feeding the ropes through. I had a go at both walls. I got half way up the easy before I felt uncomfortable going up further due to the holdings of the rocks. The second one was way out of my range; I only got a quarter of the way up. Either way it was an amazing experience. I will definitely do it again when I get the chance. It is such a difference atmosphere compared to indoor rock climbing. Not to mention the view was incredible!

That's all I have for this trip. Hopefully I will remember to post some more over the next few days!


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