University Life

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Now that I've properly settled into University, I thought that it would be nice to make a post of what I have discovered about University Life. This is all based on my experience and I am not suggesting that it is going to be the same for everyone who goes into University. Just some observations that I want put out there. 

Let's start with the making friends process. Moving into University I wanted to meet new people and make new friends but it turns out to be harder that what I expected. I felt as if I was learning how to make friends all over again (remember going into Year 7? It's like that). Except it was hard because most people had at least one person they knew in their course so they just stuck with them. This makes it extremely difficult to become friends with them since they just want to stick with people that they know. I'm guilty of doing this too at times but that doesn't mean that I'm not open to making new friends. On top of that, there are so many people in my course that it's difficult to see the same people every lecture unless you keep in contact. Imagine 200 people in a lecture - how can you find that one person that you became friends with earlier in the week. That reminds me, I find it so awkward to ask for someone's Facebook or phone number! Maybe it's because I'm an introverted person.

On the plus side, I have made a few new friends that I have managed to keep in contact with. It can be hard at times to co-ordinate times to catch up with them because they may have a class when you're free or they may not be at Uni at all! I have also managed to keep in contact with some high school friends but once again, everyone has different timetables and it can be hard to organise a time to just catch up with one out of a hundred friends you want to see again. One thing I have learnt from this is that if someone really want to meet up with you then they will put in the effort to see you again. Sometimes it's just nice to see a familiar face and catch up on life in general. I've definitely become more open since I started Uni. Usually I am a closed up person when you first meet me but I have opened up a bit more than usual.

One thing that I didn't realise would be a massive change from High School to University is the work load! To be honest I didn't find the High School work load that bad and so I thought that in University, it'll just be a bit extra. I WAS WRONG. After the first week I looked at the homework that I had to do for each subject and it was overwhelming! There was so much reading to do - a Chapter a week. I'm the type of person who can't just read and leave it, I need to process it somehow. So I sit down for a good 2-3 hours doing notes for each subject. I really shouldn't have underestimated the workload in University. Can I just go back to High School and do that work?

So far I am liking Uni - the freedom and the people. I've truly settled into Uni now so I am actually enjoying it instead of worrying about what I'm going to study when I get home. Hopefully my experience at Uni will continue to be positive!


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